Sunday, November 21, 2010

Interest Rates 30 year low
Sunday, Nov 21st, 2010
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Bankrate: Mortgage Rates Return to Record Low Territory
RISMEDIA, November 9, 2010--Mortgage rates revisited record lows this week, with the average rate on the benchmark conforming 30-year fixed mortgage rate returning to 4.42 percent, according to's weekly national survey. The average 30-year fixed mortgage has an average of 0.37 discount and origination points.

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The average 15-year fixed mortgage hit a new low of 3.81 percent, and the larger jumbo 30-year fixed rate did as well, sinking to 5.04 percent. Adjustable rate mortgages were mostly lower, with the average 5-year ARM falling to 3.57 percent and the average 7-year ARM retreating to 3.87 percent.

Mortgage rates fell back into record low territory this week. The Federal Reserve has announced another injection of $600 billion over the next 8 months, but it remains to be seen if this is enough to push Treasury yields and mortgage rates lower, and if so, by how much. Even if the Fed is successful in pushing rates lower, it doesn't alter the fact that many would-be borrowers are upside-down, living on a reduced income, or concerned about a lack of job security.

The last time mortgage rates were above 6 percent was Nov. 2008. At that time, the average rate was 6.33 percent, meaning a $200,000 loan would have carried a monthly payment of $1,241.86. With the average rate now 4.42 percent, the monthly payment for the same size loan would be $1,003.89, a savings of $238 per month for a homeowner refinancing now.


* 30-year fixed: 4.42% -- down from 4.51% last week (avg. points: 0.37)
* 15-year fixed: 3.81% -- down from 3.90% last week (avg. points: 0.28)
* 5/1 ARM: 3.57% -- down from 3.67% last week (avg. points: 0.34)

Bankrate's national weekly mortgage survey is conducted each Wednesday from data provided by the top 10 banks and thrifts in the top 10 markets.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009


Home Buyer Tax Credits
Tax Credits Provide Outstanding Opportunities for Home Buyers

The Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 has extended the tax credit of up to $8,000 for qualified first-time home buyers purchasing a principal residence. It also authorized a tax credit of up to $6,500 for qualified repeat home buyers.

You can continue to stay informed of future home buyer information by joining us on the following social media sites.

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Photo: Excited young couple who have just moved into their first house. Photo: Young African American family sitting on their front steps Photo: Little Girl drawing picture of her dream house Photo: Young family standing in front of their house.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

How to save 90% on title insurance

How to Save Up to 90% on Title Insurance
by Attorney William Bronchick

If you have ever bought or sold real estate, you have probably paid for title insurance. What exactly is title insurance? Why do we need it? How can I save money on title insurance? These are common questions asked by real estate investors.

Whenever title passes, the seller usually gives a deed containing certain guarantees or “warranties” (hence the name “Warranty Deed”). The seller warrants that title is good, that is, no one will come challenge the integrity of the title. For example, if a deed that was passed before him was forged, all subsequent transfers are void. Other problems may be more subtle, such as a deed with an incorrect legal description or misspelled name. Any irregularities in the “chain of title” will place a “cloud” on the integrity of the title.
The Title Search

When you are ready to sell a property, a title search is performed by a title company or attorney. The title searcher follows the chain of title back about 50 years, tracing the ownership through deeds recorded in pubic records. The searcher also checks to make certain that previously recorded mortgages and other liens have been released. Based on documents found in public records, the title company or attorney will prepare a “title insurance commitment.” A commitment is a statement that based upon certain documents found by a search of public records, the company will issue a title insurance policy for a certain fee.
The Title Insurance Policy

The title insurance policy, unlike most insurance policies, covers past events. For example, the daughter of a previous owner claims that her father conveyed a deed while not mentally competent, the current ownership may be in jeopardy. The title insurance company will defend the claim and pay for any damages (usually the value of the property). The policy does not cover claims based on events that occur after the policy is issued. Furthermore, the policy usually contains numerous exceptions, such as claims based on information undisclosed to the title company. Thus, if you are aware of any potential problems that might lead to a claim, your failure to disclose this information to the title company will lead to a denial of a claim based on those events.
Ask for a “Re–issue” Rate

A title insurance coverage starts from ancient history and ends from the date you transferred title. Since most transfers are insured by a title company, the longer you own the property, the more the policy costs. Consider this: if you buy a property and the transaction is covered by title insurance, then you sell it six months later, what are the chances that something went wrong in the last six months? The answer is that the chances are slim to none, so the risk of a claim against the title are slim to none. For this reason, title companies offer a “re–issue” rate. The re–issue rate is a discounted price (usually about 40%) on the title insurance policy if another policy from a title company was issued on the same property within the last few years. The rate is lower because any claims that arise from events before the previous owner are covered by the previous policy. Thus the new policy really deals with the risk of claims from events that occurred while you owned it.
Try a “Hold–Open” Policy

If you are buying a property with the intent of re–selling it within a year, ask the title insurance company for a “hold–open” policy. For a small fee (usually an additional 10% on the policy), the title company will hold a title commitment open for a year or more. Rather than issue a policy based on the first transfer (from the seller to you), they will issue a policy on the second transfer (from you to the next buyer). Since the seller usually pays for title insurance, you can pay the additional 10% when you buy, saving 90% on title insurance when you sell.